

In 2007 I was recruited into Teague to take over the role of Creative Director. The opportunity to help elevate the profile of Walter Dorwin Teague’s seminal design agency was too attractive to pass up.

In 5 years we expanded the offering from an almost exclusive focus on Industrial Design for CE to include a deeper offering across Interaction Design, Research and Strategy, and Brand. In five years Teague the studio client roster expanded exponentially. While my core responsibility was focused on the creative and cultural leadership of the studio I also partnered with marketing to architect and implement a re-positioning of the studio’s offering that centered on Teague’s unique heritage and Walter Dorwin Teauge’s commitment to ‘thinking through making.’

These assets are just of few of the pieces of collateral we created between 2007 and 2012 that brought the history of Teague to life and made it relevant in a contemporary way.

Something old. Something new. Something borrowed but nothing blue.

Thinking Through Making
DMI presentation

Date: April 21, 2013