

Here’s one from way back!

In 1999 Lunar Design was approached by Acuson with the challenge of creating a small footprint ultrasound machine – with no trade-offs in functionality.  Working with the Acuson team, we strove to incorporate several (for the time) novel features: a flat LCD display instead of a CRT, an all aluminum armature from which all cosmetic panels were hung, and a range of motion that supported seated and standing positions as well as a 180° rotation from left to right.

In the end, after much fan faire, the first working units were debuted at a company wide event. Within a week the program was canceled. Acuson had been acquired by Siemens and all programs were placed on hold – but the effort was worth it.

Even though it’s a bit dated – I’m still proud of this product. It was hard, very hard getting the surfaces right and resolving them in ways that met the functional requirements of the product.

Date: January 07, 2013